Showing posts with label news paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news paper. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2016

Format For Writing a Newspaper Article - How to Easily Write aCompelling News Copy

Unlike in online article writing, there is a certain format that you need to follow when writing articles for newspapers. This specific format offers so many benefits for both editors and readers. For one, this promotes further reading and this helps editors in easily cutting down an article should they need to save some space.

Here's the format that you need to follow:
1. Headlines. Every news article must start with a snappy, compelling, and eye-catching headline. As you're trying to save some space, ensure that you use as few powerful words as possible. Your headline should summarize your content; it should tell your readers right away what your story is all about.

2. Inverted pyramid technique. This is a writing technique designed for news writing. This simply means putting the most important information in the beginning or the lead paragraph. Your readers must get a clear picture of your story by reading this part.

Writing a News Feature Story

When writing a feature story, one of the first things you must consider is the target audience. Is it for the general public or is it for a specific group of readers? If you are writing for the readers of a lifestyle magazine or for the lifestyle section in the newspaper, for example, you would need to consider whether you should write from the view of a third person or second?
Most feature stories are written from the third person. Exceptions where the second person is used instead is when the story is about 'what you should get', say, for an occasion or a festive season. Seldom is the first person used for feature writing except when the author is the narrating his or her own experience.
Take for example the first paragraph of a feature story on entrepreneurship written in the third person:

  • John lost his job two years ago due to the economy downturn. Believing it to be only temporary, he actively seeks employment while upgrading his skills through short-term courses. Today, he is still unemployed. Now at the age of 41, he is forced to consider self-employment and entrepreneurship but is hesitant because he has been an employee his entire working life.

Letter Writing Techniques - Good News Vs Bad News Letters

There are different strategies and techniques to be discussed when writing good-news and bad-news letters. In good-news letters a writer is conveying good news to the receiver. The first paragraph (introduction) provides the good-news topic (reason for the letter). The second paragraph (discussion) provides the details of the good-news and the third paragraph (conclusion) calls for action.

Bad-news letters use the indirect approach and opens with a neutral idea while providing facts and supporting evidence. The second paragraph presents the reason for the bad news letter. The third paragraph ends with a neutral close. Tact and politeness is required when writing a letter of bad news. A writer of a letter of bad news must pay attention to tone and structure throughout the letter to avoid future problems. Writers must prevent themselves from offending the reader.

Personality Types

The following is an excerpt from my new book, "MORPHING INTO THE REAL WORLD - A Handbook for Entering the Work Force" which is a survival guide for young people as they transition into adult life. The book offers considerable advice regarding how to manage our personal and professional lives. As a part of this, I found it necessary to describe the four types of personalities commonly found in the work place.

Personality Types

You will undoubtedly encounter many different types of personalities in the work place, each with their own unique blend of nuances. But there are four basic types of personalities from which they are based, which is commonly referred to as A, B, C, and D. Although volumes have been written on such personality traits, here is a synopsis:

Type "A" Personality - Is a highly independent and driven personality, typically representing the leaders in business. They are blunt, competitive, no-nonsense types who like to get to the point. They are also strong entrepreneurial spirits (risk takers). As such, they embrace change and are always looking for practical solutions for solving problems.

Type "B" Personality - Represents highly extroverted people who love the spotlight. Because of this, they are very entertaining and possess strong charisma (everyone likes to be around them). Small wonder these people are sales and marketing types. They thrive on entertaining people and are easily hurt if they cannot sway someone (such as "bombing" on stage).

Type "C" Personality - The antithesis of Type "B"; they are introverted detailists as represented by such people as accountants, programmers, and engineers. They may have trouble communicating to other people, but are a whirlwind when it comes to crunching numbers or writing program code. They tend to be very cautious and reserved, and will not venture into something until after all the facts have been checked out.

Format For Writing a Newspaper Article - The Most Important Elements inNews Writing

1. Effective, eye-catching headlines. You should always kick-start your articles with captivating headlines. Make them easy to understand, powerful, and enticing. Your readers must get a clear picture of your story by just reading your headlines. To save some space, ensure that you make each word count. It's better if you use 6 words or less.

2. Inverted pyramid technique. It's crucial that you write your articles using this technique. You see, saving the most essential information for last will not help you get your articles read. Remember, your audience has very short attention span and they usually don't read news articles in their entirety. So, give them all the most important details on your first or lead paragraph. Strive to answer all the questions that they might have.

Writing a Newspaper Article - Discover 4 Important Elements of NewsWriting

1. Fairness. As a journalist, it's very important that you're not biased when writing your articles. You should not take any side of the story. Remember, your goal here is to serve the people. You ought to give them balanced news each time you tap on your keyboard. There shouldn't be any point where you'll resort to blatant lie or when you'll over stretch the truth. Believe me, this will ruin your credibility in no time.

2. Clarity. Unless you're writing your news articles to win literary awards, you should make clarity your number one priority. Instead of using high fallutin words that will leave your readers guessing as to what you're trying to get across, use simple terms as much as possible. Your audience must be able to understand your stories the first time that they read your articles.

Newsflash - You Can Write Your Own News Release

Submitting a news release is one of the more effective methods of grabbing the attention of your target market and the search engines. Anyone can write a news release but not all news releases are effective. When you write a news release your aim is to get noticed by the people searching for your business, services and/or products and to ensure that the search engines list your release on the search results for people to find.
It is possible to write a great news release that generates qualified traffic and strengthens the reputation of your business if you follow some time proven guidelines. We will be taking a closer look at the guidelines to follow and the structure of a news release.


• Grab the Attention of Readers - The headline and summary of a news release should provide a clear picture of what the release is about. 

• Tell People Who You Are - Your business, product or brand name should feature prominently within the first few paragraphs of the release. 

E-Newspapers and E-Magazines: Latest News at Your Fingertips

E-newspapers and E-magazines or otherwise known as Online Newspapers and Magazines are the finest examples of The Digital Revolution. The Digital Revolution or also known as The Third Industrial Revolution is the advancement of technology from analog electronic and mechanical devices to the digital technology which is made readily available today. The era started during the 1980s and is ongoing until present. The combined revolution of electronic devices and the internet has made it possible for people to accomplish tasks faster and easier in accordance to their availability.
The change, which paved the way to the Information Era, allowed any news article or magazine clipping accessible to everyone. Together with enhanced animation and graphic design, E-newspapers and E-magazines offer both appeal and convenience.
Newspaper and magazine digitization provides various advantages, such as: Faster searching of news article or magazine clipping with the use of keywords. A single digitized article can be accessed by multiple readers at the same time. It can also be easily shared by sending it as a file via email; the file can also be saved on a hard drive or on an online data storage, hence no need to keep a hard copy which will eventually fade in time and may possibly be bulky e.g. stacks of magazines or newspapers, files of contracts or statement of accounts. Digitization also saves resources because presentations are no longer needed to be printed out as it can be presented on a projector through a laptop and viewed on a tablet computer. Kids in school no longer need to bring many heavy books as they are starting to be trained on how to use e-books and kindle... all these and much more.

Challenges faced by Human Resource Managers in the Era of Gloablization

"The real wealth of a nation is its people. And the purpose of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives. This simple but powerful truth is too often forgotten in the pursuit of material and financial wealth."
Globalization of Indian economy is compelling organization to rethink their future strategies. It is now widely recognized that transformation is a pre-requisite to their survival and growth. Business organization in India especially public enterprises are experiencing winds of change. For the HR function, there would not be a more existing and challenging opportunity than managing the complexities of change and transformation. HR today is playing a lead role along with business functions in creating the necessary momentum and internal capabilities.
Now first let us understand what we mean by globalization.
Every day we hear it on news, we read it in the newspapers, we overhear people talking about it… and in every single moment the word ‘globalization' seems to have a different meaning. So what is globalization?
"…integration of business activities across geographical and organizational boundaries."
"The capacity to treat the world as one market while…dealing with many culturally diverse merchants."
"…the process by which markets expands to include competitors for customers and productive inputs without regard to national boundaries".
"…doing business with a world wide focus… rather than doing business in an international market with the focus from a home-country viewpoint."

Cold Feet & Hands Causes - The 5 Main Cold Hands and Feet Causes! Findout how to Stop Feeling Cold!

Want to know the real cold feet & hands causes? Today discover the 5 main causes for cold hands and feet and how to stop feeling cold! Always having cold feet and hands is an indicator symptom of a greater issue at hand that is impacting your overall body temperature. The good news is that by understanding the 5 causes below you will be able to finally stop feeling cold all the time!
The Top 5 Causes of Cold Hands & Feet
Parasites: Much more common than you would expect, parasites are not limited to 3rd world countries only. They frequently affect people in 1st world nations such as the USA. They feed on the nutrition that should enter into your cells, causing a mal-absorption syndrome which very commonly mimics anemia and conditions where the body feels cold and as though it's malnourished. Most tests for parasites are in-effective and doctors when asked about them will for the most part only laugh, but it's no coincidence that so many people when they do a thorough parasite cleanse feel 10 times better and symptoms such as chronic cold hands just disappears.
Allergies: Chronic allergies either to foods you eat on a regular basis or an environmental allergy that you're unaware of can perpetually sustain a reaction which causes lowered blood pressure & constantly cold hands and feet. The solution is to begin an elimination diet of the most common allergenic foods, this is something a candida diet will accomplish. As well pay attention to which environments make you feel cold when the temperature is perfectly fine. Consciously finding these causes will significantly affect how you feel.