Friday, July 15, 2016

newspapers and Lorriesnewspapers

Mark Mardell began today's The World at One by saying that "a lorry deliberately drove into a crowd". 

Meanwhile, the changing headline on the main BBC News website report of the latest atrocity in France didn't shy away from pointing the finger of blame firmly where it belongs either (with lorries).

Here's how that headline evolved over the course of last night and this morning and early afternoon (in chronological order):

Panic in Nice as 'lorry hits crowd'
'Many dead' as lorry hits crowd in Nice
Many dead as lorry hits crowd in Nice
Nice attack: Many dead as lorry hits crowd
Attack in Nice: Many dead as lorry hits crowd
Nice attack: Dozens killed during Bastille Day celebrations
Nice attack: At least 84 killed during Bastille Day celebrations
Nice attack: At least 84 killed by lorry at Bastille Day celebrations

Every day I travel to and from work and I find myself sharing the roads with lorries. They drive past my place of work all the time. I never knew lorries were capable of such unspeakable evil.

I will never look at lorries in the same way again.

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