Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Poll: 71 percent of Dems think Clinton should keep running even if indicted

A strong majority of Democratic voters think Hillary Clinton should keep running for president even if she is charged with a felony in connection with her private email use while secretary of state, according to a new poll.
Clinton was strongly criticized in a State Department inspector general report last week about her email use.
The report found repeated warnings about cybersecurity were ignored and staffers who expressed concerns were told “never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again.”

Yet, this seems not to be a big issue among Democrats. The Rasmussen poll released Tuesday found 71 percent of Democratic voters believe she should keep running even if indicted, a view shared by only 30 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of unaffiliated voters. Overall, 50 percent of those polled said she should keep running. 
The FBI investigation into her email practices is still ongoing. Democratic primary rival Bernie Sanders has avoided commenting specifically on that probe, but campaign manager Jeff Weaver on Wednesday questioned whether she could keep going if an indictment comes down. 
"That would be difficult to continue running a race," Weaver told Fox News on Wednesday, when asked about the poll. 
The email scandal could still be problematic for Clinton's general election hopes, with 40 percent of all voters saying they are less likely to vote for Clinton because of it -- though 48 percent of voters said it would have no impact on their vote.
The Democratic primary frontrunner’s argument that she did nothing illegal with her email use is also apparently failing to sway many voters. According to the poll, 65 percent of voters consider it likely that Clinton broke the law with her email use, with 47 percent saying it’s very likely. 
The poll of 1,000 likely voters was conducted May 29-30. It had a margin of error of 3 percentage points. 
source : http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/06/01/poll-71-percent-dems-think-clinton-should-keep-running-even-if-indicted.html

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