Thursday, June 2, 2016

newspapers and Utterly disgusting subliminal nastinessnewspapers

Craig�s tour de force below is a hard act to follow, but since he�s currently off the radar he might have missed the Vice News documentary that I hear has gawn viral on t�interweb.

He�s probably the only one on the planet who hasn�t seen it, so on the off-chance that he logs in to see if there�s life in the old blog yet, I�m posting it once again.

Actually, that might not be the only reason I�m posting it. A certain amount of malice may be involved. 

Anyway if that doesn�t dislodge the last remnants of Labour loyalists who were stubbornly clinging to the sinking ship, nothing will. 

Who, in particular, has disaffiliated? David Aaronovitch has, voluntarily, Rod Liddle has, compulsorily, and perhaps even the BBC has, ideologically.

Corbyn said (of the BBC)
�There is not one story on any election anywhere in the UK  that the BBC will not spin into a problem for me. It�s obsessive beyond belief - they are obsessed with trying to damage the leadership of the Labour Party and unfortunately there are people int the Labour Party that play into that.

The BBC said (Of Corbyn)
Jeremy Corbyn's communications chief claims the Labour leader's preparations for Prime Minister's Questions are being leaked by his own staff. 
In a fly-on-the-wall documentary, Seumas Milne said the "annoying" leaks from his top team were handing an advantage to the Conservatives. 
Mr Corbyn also criticises the media coverage of his party. 
Mr Corbyn also hit out at the BBC over the local elections, claiming "the whole narrative" had been that "Corbyn's going to lose" and saying an unnamed group of political commentators were "shallow, facile and ill-informed".In other footage, the leader's aides discuss their attempts to ensure he dresses smartly and watch him pose for a succession of photographs with supporters.Mr Corbyn is also shown reacting to the suspension of Ken Livingstone from the party after the former London mayor invoked Hitler in a defence of an MP's comments about Israel.

Of course in the film, there�s something for everyone. The bit about Jonathan Freedland is the one that exercises me most, obvs.

Here�s some excerpts from David Aaronovitch�s piece. (�) �Yikes! I might have to vote for the Tories�
Any responsible voter should find a way of keeping Jeremy Corbyn�s obnoxious views well away from Downing Street 
On the night of the local elections the leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, went to make a speech in a pub that appeared to have a Cuban communist theme. He was filmed there, beneath the pictures of Che and Fidel, holding forth to the kind of people who still go to Cuban-themed pubs. 
The next day the film-makers interviewed him. �I am not a traditional party leader,� he told them. �I do things in a rather different way.� And then added: �Some people are slower at learning things than others.� 
Are they not? I cannot find a phrase for the telling of an inadvertent truth that everyone else but the teller can see while trying to say the opposite, but perhaps a �Jeremyad� will cover it. Indeed, the half-hour film on Corbyn, released yesterday, begins with a Jeremyad. In a car on the phone to his communications chief, Seumas Milne, Corbyn discusses a Guardian article worrying about Labour�s antisemitism problem. �Utterly disgusting subliminal nastiness� are the words Corbyn uses. About the article, not about the problem.

�That stuff about calling Hamas and Hezbollah �friends� was not some cheap shot or shallow debating point. It is Corbyn�s �just talking� rebuttal that was unconvincing.

I�ll say. Times of Israel:
�Before his election as UK Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn pressed for a boycott of Israel and called on the British foreign secretary at the time to ban Israeli politicians from entering the country, newly released letters from 2010-2015 show.The letters, sent to then-foreign secretary William Hague, were published following a Freedom of Information request to the government. 

Writing to Hague in February 2012 about East Jerusalem, in particular house demolitions in the Silwan neighborhood, Corbyn, who was a backbench MP for Islington North at the time, urged trade sanctions against Israel. 
�Israel�s current actions and victimisation of the people of East Jerusalem is an abomination that is totally illegal,� he wrote. �Surely the only logical way forward here is to take concrete action to penalise Israel via the most obvious method.� 
�There is clearly no time to lose to take actions via the EU-Israel Association Trade Agreement. Let the suffering of the Palestinian people no longer be so familiar to us that all we do is �make representations� when there are tools at our disposal that our government and other governments are choosing to ignore,� he wrote. 
In another missive to Hague from February 2013, Corbyn wrote that he had just returned from a visit to the Gaza Strip, during which he was asked if Britain �would stop allowing Israel�s criminal politicians to come to our country,� ensure that the BBC �portray Palestine fairly,� and work �to end the siege of Gaza.� 
�Had I not been working on three of these goals I�d have hung my head in shame,� Corbyn wrote. �There was no possible explanation I could give as to why our governments had made no progress in support of such crucial aims.�

Just talking to Hamas and Hezbollah and inviting them to the HoC for tea whilst aggressively lobbying for �Israel�s criminal politicians� to be banned from visiting the UK. Actively working for peace? I think not.

But of course the most revealing aspect of this internet hit is that it allows the sheer incompetence of the Corbyn regime to speak for itself. 

Corbyn�s charmless personality,  his reptilian countenance, his slow-wittedness, the amateurishness of his entourage and most of all his mean-spirited response to an innocuous article in the Guardian by Jonathan Freedland about antisemitism in the Labour Party.

Utterly disgusting subliminal nastiness, you know. He�s not a good guy at all. He seems kind of obsessed with me, you know?�

We saw a shambolic committee of incompetent sycophants struggling to orchestrate a strategy for PMQs. We saw Corbyn ineptly failing to score despite the open goal he�d been handed. On a plate with a cherry on top.

As someone already said somewhere, this was The Thick of It, minus the laughs. Not just a car crash, but a full blown pile-up.

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