Monday, May 30, 2016

Israeli police recommend Netanyahu's wife be indicted for financial irregularities, reports say

Israeli police have recommended indictments against the wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for alleged misuse of state funds and inflated household spending, according to multiple reports in the Israeli media Sunday. 
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz and Channel 2 TV, among other outlets, reported that police believe they have enough evidence to bring Sara Netanyahu to trial in relation to three separate affairs.

Haaretz reported that an indictment is recommended against Sara Netanyahu for allegedly using private money to pay for food and private chefs for family events. She is also accused of paying for a live-in caregiver for her father with money earmarked for the prime minister's residence, as well as using state money to pay for electrical work at her family's personal residence. 
In a statement, police announced the end of their investigation but offered few details. A police spokesman would not comment further.
Benjamin Netanyahu denied the allegations in a Facebook post. "In the police statement there was no recommendation to bring Mrs. Netanyahu to trial. In contrast to reports, Mrs. Netanyahu did not commit any crime."
The Netanyahus have long faced scrutiny over their spending and have fended off accusations that their lifestyles are out of touch with ordinary Israelis.
Sara Netanyahu in particular has been accused of using government funds to support her expensive tastes and alleged abusive behavior toward staff.
In February, a former employee won a court case against her alleging he was subjected to abusive language and insults.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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